Potions & Oils
Our products are like no other
“Your potions/oils are the best. I have been using flower essences for a long time but these are a cut above.”
Our potions are pure frequency/energy infusions. A process of channeling intense energy and sound (toning) into a pure distilled water base infuses them. The potions are powerful tools that carry a particular energy in a way that makes that frequency more accessible on the physical plane. The frequency in the potions creates an energetic field that the physical, emotional and mental bodies then begin to resonate and entrain with. When used with meditation or other self-awareness techniques, they can make the experience more powerful.
As you can see from the “Thought-Form” photographs the frequency is measurable. Alchemical Mage products use only pure distilled water as the carrier for these kinds of energies.
Ingredients: 1 oz pure distilled water – infused with frequency
All of the potions described here are for spiritual use only
These are not medicines and no medicinal use is suggested
Thought Form Photography
Microscopic Images Of Our Products
Thought Form Photography of our potions made by Dr. David Schweitzer, London.
“You are about to embark on the most exciting experience of your life! You are going to actually see energy patterns in water through the process of Thought-Form Photography! You will discover that water appears to act as a liquid tape recorder that stores energy patterns, much in the same way as your mind stores impression perceived with the five senses.”
Aura Photography – Before & After Potion Intake
These pictures were taken by Progen/Aura Imaging. They recently gave us the opportunity to see the effects of our potions tested on one of their staff members. They use a computer aura imaging program to show the aura before taking the potion and after taking the potion. In the photos, you can see that the woman’s aura is bright yellow – and after taking the potion, there is an immediate shift to a vivid purple aura. For this test, we used the Fire of Purpose Potion.
How do I know which potions will work best for me?
- We suggest that you let intuition guide you. It can help to ask your mental body to take a short nap, and just notice what potions you are drawn to. Many times it will not seem logical – but will be the “perfect” energy for you. Ask your Spirit to guide you to the perfect potions for you at this time.
How do I know the potions are “working”?
- How we sense the potions is a very individual experience. Some people find them to be a very profound experience from the moment they take the first drop. The majority feels the effect to be very subtle, if anything is felt at all. The way to tell if the potions are working for you is to take them on a regular basis for at least a month or two and then look back and notice what has changed in your life. As always, your own Spirit will determine the effect and the timing.
Can’t I just channel the energy myself?
- The ability to do this varies by individual. Frequently we talk to people who started by channeling the energies themselves and then found the potions to be a faster and more efficient way to fully access the frequencies. The physical body seems to more easily access energies if it can “experience” them in a physical way. Because the potions are taken as a physical form, this helps integrate the frequency into the physical body. It is also helpful to be able to instantly access the frequencies – because many times we are not in an appropriate place to stop what we are doing, get in a meditative state and channel the energy.
Do I need to use a large quantity of each potion for it to be effective?
- No. More important than the number of times you take a potion, or the amount you take, is that you follow your Spirit. It may be better to take very small doses more frequently, or one larger dose once per day. Again, let your intuition guide you. You can add a few drops to water that you sip throughout the day and that way you have the frequency accessible whenever you need it.**
I have taken Quantum Wealth for a month or so and I still have money problems. Why hasn’t the potion “worked” for me?
- Quantum Wealth first helps point out and remove any blocks we have to prosperity. Often this puts our pictures of lack into the spotlight in a big way. My first recommendation is not to focus on and make REAL any financial problems. Just thank the universe for the information and release any energy you hold around the problem.
Quantum Wealth will not guarantee that you win the lottery or that a huge amount of money will come to you. It does help you open up to receiving abundance in your life. I also encourage you to remember to have gratitude for what you do have and to look for ways in which abundance can show up in your life.
For example, one customer wanted money for a computer. She didn’t get the money, but a friend gave her a computer as a gift. Often we can’t see into the future to know what the end result of a particular situation will be. Sometimes not getting what we think we want is the way the Universe has of giving us something even better in the future.
Is it all right to put Love Potion #9 in my husband’s morning coffee without telling him, so that he loves me again?
- We would say no. We would not recommend giving anyone potions without their knowledge, but no tool should ever be used for purposes of manipulating another to do what we want. Using Love Potion #9 to open your own heart chakra might allow you to view the situation with your husband differently.
I have made some bad mistakes in the past; which potion can help me to forgive myself? What else can I do to make peace in my mind about my mistakes?
- First we would recommend reminding yourself that we always make the best decisions possible based on what we know in the moment. Blame, either for yourself or others, is just another way we create separation on this planet. The Unified Chakra can assist with peace of mind. When we are unified, we are in the “Now” rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Staying in the moment can be the greatest help in keeping our minds at peace.
As far as potions that would assist: Divine Mother, Pathcutter, Universal Detox, Grace and Mercy might all be helpful. I would recommend connecting with your Spirit and working with the potions that resonate with you.
I so totally don’t like my body. How will Heavenly Body Potion change this? Will it make my body form into a new shape?
- Heavenly Body can assist with changes we would like to see in our bodies. We caution people to remember that is a manifestation potion. Taking Heavenly Body and continuing the thought form that you hate your body will almost certainly give you more of what you don’t want. Using it when you have a positive view can be very helpful. It can help give you clarity on what is good for your body. Using a few drops on your food or drink will help you notice what is beneficial for your body and what is not.
The major point to remember is that part of self-image is learning to love your body regardless of its shape. This may require use of other tools and techniques as well as the potions.
Can I take several potions together?
- The potions are designed to all work synergistically with each other. So several of them can be taken at any one time. As always we recommend following your own Spirit. As long as you take them as Spirit directs you can’t go wrong.
Suggested use of the potions
Our pets are mutating too. They don’t have the same mental screening mechanisms that we do. Therefore they see and sense parallel realities, astral entities, energy shifts and can become frightened, aggressive, sick, or disoriented. We have found that if our animals are frightened or disoriented a few drops of Divine Expression in their drinking water really helps. If they are processing for you, or you need to move your home, a little Pathcutter in their water does wonders. If they are aggressive, squabbling, or you need to introduce a new animal to your home use Transpersonal Transformation and Co-Creation in their water. Try Serenity in any case or in combination with any other potion. If they are mutating, Magnificence will clear up the symptoms. If your pet is in ill health, Heavenly Body combined with clear visualization of sparkling health will assist them. Universal Detox has been used as eye drops, ear drops, and in some pets’ water to clear parasites, fungus and infection with good effect.
All of the potions described here are for spiritual use only. These are not medicines and no medicinal use is suggested.
All potions come in ounce bottles.
Specific Suggested Uses By Potion
Heavenly Body
Add a couple drops to your shampoo, liquid cleansers, astringents, body lotions or bath.
Caution: Heavenly Body is a manifestation potion – it will give you more of what you focus on and make “REAL”. So, be aware of what you are making “REAL” about your physical body when you are taking this.
For athletes, martial artists etc: place a few drops on your equipment at the points of physical contact (e.g. the grip of a tennis racquet). The equipment or instrument will show you its natural movement. This enables you to feel comfortable learning a new skill or honing an ability. It will all feel somehow familiar and you will naturally attune to the perfect motion.
For those changing their diet for health, appearance or experimentation, one drop of Heavenly Body on your food or in a drink will help you discern the effects on your body of what you are ingesting, so that you can either change what you eat or change its effect on your body. When taking supplements with water, place one drop in your water for the same effect.
If you are in a descension, try rubbing it onto your feet. It will help the energy to come all the way into your body. Massage into aching joints. For all-over mutational discomfort, place a few drops in bath water and soak your cares away!
Pathcutter should only be used when you are already releasing and cutting a pathway through the human genetic consciousness. Otherwise, it will throw you into processing from your physical body. We have found that if a part of your physical body is holding onto an energy, Pathcutter applied directly to that area and rubbed into the skin helps the body let go of the energy.
We’ve also found Pathcutter to be helpful just before a Karmic Matrix Removal and for two weeks afterward. Pathcutter breaks your resistance to releasing or expressing an energy. It takes you to the state of “Spirit, require of me – whatever it takes!”
Quantum Wealth
Place a few drops on your checkbook, wallet, pockets, purse, etc. Definitely a good one to place in your environment as well as your body. It is capable of allowing you to open to Universal Flow in ways you have not thought possible. One of the first things Quantum Wealth may do is show you places where you are blocking flow or seeing lack in your life. Just see this as information and don’t make it “REAL”. Allow Quantum Wealth to remove the blocks and continue to focus on the abundance you have in your life.
Service One-on-One
For those practitioners who wash their hands between clients, a drop of this potion on each hand is a nice way to shift your energy. A few drops in your beverage while working with clients helps keep all your wiring and channels open and helps keep you transpersonal.
Universal Detox
Home Sweet Home Enviropack
The Home Sweet Home Enviropack is for energetically cleaning your home, office or any space that may be a bit stale, dreary, depressing or even downright creepy. You can adjust the strength of solution to address the intensity of the energy present.
You can use Cleanse and Seal anytime. They can be taken internally – use Cleanse first followed by Seal. Great used with the Entity Release and Grid Techniques. Cleanse is designed to clear out old thought-forms, emotions, astral residue, boogies and generally old energy. Using Cleanse and Seal will help maintain harmony and unity among your bodies and clear communication with Spirit.
Or you can spray your environment. Just keep two bottles on hand – one for Cleanse and one for Seal. Use 2-7 drops in each bottle with distilled water and spray the area – first with Cleanse and then with Seal.
Spray your whole house with Cleanse first. In particular spray all doors and windows, mirrors, the ceiling, floor, corners and don’t forget the closets! If you adjust your spray bottle to “stream” you can incorporate sacred symbols into the process by drawing symbols onto the ceiling, floor, mirrors, windows, balconies, etc. As you walk around the space use the Entity Release.
Now spray all the same places with Seal. This time grid and invoke whatever energies you want into the grids. We suggest the Elohim of Peace, Grace, Purity, Faith, Hope, Victory and Harmony as well as Elohim of the colored Rays you resonate with.
These are basic instructions. This process can be done as high magic ritual or just light maintenance depending upon your focus, intent and the elements you include in the process. Be creative and use strong intent.
You can set specific grid energies for your space. Just remember what energies you’ve set up because they will affect people. If others feel uncomfortable in your space, you may need to adjust the grids you’ve set up.